After finishing Pangaea: Unsettled Land and Superhuman, I let a few good Google searches lead me to my next book. I knew I needed another black cast with some magic. Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi DELIVERT. I was supposed to find a book to read alongside it, one I could switch back and forth with while on the metro to work.
I started and finished Children of Blood and Bone near the last week of March. I expected it to carry me through much of April, but we see how that turned out. So before April started I needed to find replacements, something to fill the void. I ran across Octavia Butler many (many, many) times during my searches and decided that a time-travel story would be nice. (I absolutely love time-travel, by the way. That and six-degrees of separation. To me, there are very, very much linked.) I wasn’t too keen on reading anything about slavery, but Kindred otherwise sounded nice, so I picked it up. To join it, I chose The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. Now, when choosing this book, I was still going by the “must star a black (or POC) character” rule I had set for myself. I assumed the main character was white (I feel like I remember “some people” complaining about the casting choice for the movie). But, because of the movie, I said, “I can have Ruby be Black in my head as well.” Well, come to find out, there was already another main black character in the book!

Next week, I get to the first book I absolute hated this year. I didn’t DNF it, but, oh man, I was tempted to. On the flip side, I also came across – perhaps? – my favorite book/series this year. Hope to see you all back next week!
My 2018 Reads, Part 2: The Kindred Minds of Blood and Bone
Three more books read: Children of Blood and Bone, by Tomi Adeyemi; Kindred, by Octavia Butler; and The Darkest Minds, Alexandra Bracken