Thunder rolls in the distance.. [⚡️THUNDERFANG GXYZ Newsletter]

Long time, no speak!

I hope you all are doing well. I was taking a much-needed break from the constant writing, but I'm ramping back up for Season 3 of ⚡️THUNDERFANG.

Every year in Novemeber, writers participate in a month-long challenge known as NaNoWriMo. We write 50k words over the course of the month. This is my fifth year participating, and will be the third time I have completed it! This year, I used NaNoWriMo to write up as much of Season 3 of THUNDERFANG as I possibly could.

In Season 1 of THUNDERFANG, I mostly played and wrote each chapter, week by week. Towards the end (around "A New Name to Wear"), I played a bit ahead and was able to relieve some of the weekly pressure.

In Season 2, I played most of the season, then wrote a bunch of the chapters before starting the season. Then I kept playing, and eventually wrote more ahead. I still had to do the occasional weekly writing, though.