⚡️THUNDERFANG S2 Prologue #2
A powerful family—with a powerful name—has found the plague that has been haunting their family for generations.
A powerful family—with a powerful name—has found the plague that has been haunting their family for generations.
Many years before Locke Holmes is hired to prove Roger Usagi's innocence, a boy learns the power behind his name.
Locke needs to focus on the task at hand, yet—as always—there's *something unexpected* around every corner. And what strange twist awaits him when it's all said and done?
The Hivebranded decide that now -- as Locke is rushing to free the other Branded -- is a perfect time for exposition and dire warnings.
What Locke assumes to be a shortcut to the underground facility leads him to even more questions.
Locke has had enough of the delusions and lashes out at the latest: the mirage of the love of his life, Ira Adler. But what happens if the impossible is actually the truth?