Locke—the Bleeding Heart, the Hero, the Ironsworn—finally admits to himself why he's doing all of this.
Any and all things writing related.
Locke—the Bleeding Heart, the Hero, the Ironsworn—finally admits to himself why he's doing all of this.
Locke's taunting inner voice returns as everything crumbles around him. And suddenly, all eyes are on him.
Why is Jane being held at Mihara Energy Corp? What connects the late Mihara with Dr. Hendrix and Shiningstar?
Diogenes tells Locke to find a missing Branded woman who can walk through walls. Nothing strange about that at all.
Safe and sound in the Interpreter, Locke meets with Diogenes. Naturally, things get a bit more strange.
Locke's latest conspirator knows too much about him, unleashing new fears—and threats— as he tries to escape.