⚡️THUNDERFANG S3 #30: Resisting and Persevering, Untainted
Locke and the Irregulars set off to stop Jack Moriarty. And despite the circumstances, they keep hope alive.

The previous chapter

My Name

Season 3, Chapter 31

The last time I saw Siege and Hush, Ira and I had splintered off as we tried to settle down and lay low with what little Avam had to offer us. I was already madly in love with Ira, but that time spent with just the two of us made it so much stronger. We did our best with what crappy circumstances we’d been given.

Maurine, however…well, I’d seen her the day we were rescued by Karim Salvi.

She stood next to Siege and Hush, using any excuse to avoid my gaze. Perhaps she thought I would toss her back into one of the cells and leave her to rot. 

But she knew better than the other two that I wouldn’t.

On the day that the late Salvi came to rescue us, she was fighting for her life and her freedom against the Wardens—Avam’s newest arrivals. They added a different type of frustration to an already bad situation. They were vicious bots meant to further strip us of our humanity, going so far as to actually force some of us into cages, leaving many of us targets for the more ruthless or desperate Branded. They would only refer to us by our brands, and would force us to do the same to each other. They wanted us nameless, like animals, even less of a human than we had already felt.

The Warden she was facing was besting her, as they’d been programmed to do. In her time away from Siege, Hush, Ira, and I, she’d apparently gotten rusty. The Maurine that I knew could command the ground to her bidding and would’ve stopped that thing in its tracks. She was solid and sturdy, never afraid of a challenge. She’d always stood her ground—and commanded it with ease. Fools were the only thing to cross her.

But on that day, she struggled. The Warden was particularly adept at gaining the upper hand on Quakebrandeds, as it used strange technology to counter her Branding.

In hindsight, I was always meant to be a Bleeding Heart. It was plain as day, even back then. Because, despite our history, despite her turning her backs on us and leaving us to die, I refused to let her get taken in while the rest of us were fleeing to freedom. 

I helped her. I slipped around unnoticed and used what little lightning I had to stun it. She’d been confused, naturally. I told her to run.

She ran off without a thank you.

But I never regretted it. Not one bit.

She was the one who looked regretful now. 

While Ira greeted our old friends—stopping briefly give me a Are you sure? look before he got to Maurine—I waved over Jane, John, and Tick.

“She goes by Tremor now.” Siege elbowed her playfully. It fit her nicely. I smiled and introduced the Irregulars to the Avam crew.

“Holy shit. A Thing of Evil? “ Siege was apparently still the same rude but lovable loudmouth he’d always been. “Never thought I’d see the day!” The air around us stilled instantly. Siege looked to Hush. She raised a brow and shook her head. “Did I say something wrong?”

John rolled his eyes and the air returned to normal. I was surprised to notice that it was him that’d done it, and not Hush. In a strange way, it sounded like him—felt like him. As if his control of his Branding was distinguishable from another Cyclonebranded.


“My name is Johnathan, or Nevermore—as in, I’m never responding to Thing of Evil or any other fucked up name anymore. Nice to meet you, Siege.”

The Infernobranded towered at least five or six inches over John. However, the way John stood there, eyes never once leaving Siege’s, I would have sworn that John was the stronger force to reckon with. Actually, with another second or two of remembering John vacuuming the air from Jillian’s ship at a distance, I was sure that he was. He’d changed so much since that little boy I first met.

I couldn’t have been prouder.

Siege threw his hands up. “My bad! I was just joking…”

“He’s an idiot. Ignore him,” Tremor said. “Why are you here, Locke?”

“Clearly we’re rescuing you!” Jane said with her typical attitude. “Why else would be we risking our lives down here?”

“Ignore her,” John said with a smirk. “She has a temper.” Jane punched him in the arm.

“I’ll explain on the way.” I motioned for Siege and the others to follow us.

// Undertake an Expedition

+2 (wits) + 1 forward. i don't even think shadow is an option right now

+3 => 5 vs 5, 6. Miss. I think this is a good time to use Fugitive. [1/4 full]

Progress: 4/10

1, fortified: 78 -> prototype technology or equipment

Is it immediately clear what this tech does? Unlikely, 25-:70, no.

Then can I get a physical description, please.

12, 88: Blocked Territory.

So like a big blockade, almost?

Moving with Shadow was no longer an option. There were far too many of us. A child held back sobs. An elderly woman pushed through pain in her legs. A young man breathed heavily, hands twitching. Countless side conversations. I just hoped that there was enough of us to keep our Wits about us.

 Adding to the side conversations, Ira and I did our best to fill Siege, Hush, and Tremor in on what was going on.

“He’s going to use as as kindling for this fucking war of his? Fat chance.” Siege pounded a fist into his palm, a small flare of fire wisping away. “And you sure about this, Thunderfang? Risen and Malice and wars and shit?”

I nodded reluctantly. “Yeah. If we can stop Jack now, then maybe none of us have to die needlessly.”

As we passed by strange equipment that looked like it was used to fortify or block off areas, Siege nudged Johnathan. “Hey, Thing—I mean…Nevermore. I’m sorry. I…uh…didn’t mean to offend you by calling you a Th—I mean, uh, shit, you know what I’m trying to say, right?”

“What does that, that mean, anyway?” Tick asked.

“It’s what John’s Branded intake was called,” Ira explained. “The 666 weren’t treated very nicely, by our captors and even the Branded.”

Jane’s face scrunched in disbelief. “Did none of you fight back?”

“Of course, we did!” John rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. “But so many of us were young and scared and…The previous intakes—hell, even the ones after—were just…cruel. It’s not even that bad of a term but it just comes with so much baggage. We were treated like nothing and some of us really started to believe it.”

A soft breeze blew past—it felt like Hush. Tremor looked at her, then looked to Jane and Tick as the breeze faded away. “And you two were never on Avam?”

“Nope!” Tick spun around excitedly as we walked. “But like, like Locke has told us all about it. They make it sound okay, okay but I’d rather not end up there if I can help it.”

// Undertake an Expedition

+2 => 3 vs...6, 6. Miss+match. Yiiiikes. 

But, I thought this was going too smoothly. No guards? Yeah, right.

Ptp, 77: You are harmed.

So, I know I want there to be some kind of conflict. 

ActTheme: 16, 41: Break Hate.

What's this waypoint?

1,1: fortified, captives or prisoners again.



fuck me.

“Same,” Jane said. “Couldn’t imagine that lawless land. Ira told us how shocked he was that there were no guards or anything when he landed and—”

Deja vu struck like a fist to the stomach. I paused, the others continuing their conversation while I took in my surroundings. We were in a hallway barely big enough for two people to walk side by side. The lights flickered overhead. Pervasive silence washed over us. 

Where were the guards? Where was anyone?

I shushed everyone, drawing all eyes to me as I listened for any sign of life outside us. Ira gently placed a hand on my shoulder. His touch slowed my racing heart, but did nothing to stop the feeling that something bad was about to happen.

“And where do you think you’re going, Detective?”

I winced. The sound of Jack’s monotonous voice crackled over hidden speakers. The captives huddled together at his voice. Siege punched his palm again as I felt the air still—this time, it wasn’t just John, but Hush, too. They noticed and nodded to each other.

“We are freeing these prisoners—these people, Jack! It’s over!” I took a dramatic step forward, looking for some sign that he was near.

“All of the prisoners?”

I panicked at the slight stress on the word “all,” but the heat beginning to radiate from Siege banished the fear before it could take root. We were more than just the Irregulars now. The powered crabs in the rusty bucket knew how to fight together for freedom when the time called for it. There was no way we’d lose against whatever—

Someone stepped into view down the hall. Their dingy hospital gown dragged along the floor, their head hung low. Not a single sound emanated from them as they approached.

“Ask them, Detective. Ask them if they want your help.”

They stopped and raised their head, eliciting a gasp from at least one person behind me. They were emaciated, practically skin and bones. Their hair was patchy and their eyes were bloodshot. They looked only a step or two away from being considered a Risen.

They inched forward, still completely silent as we held our breaths. Something about their movement was off-putting. Some of the other prisoners were barefoot and could barely move, and even then I’d heard their steps as we moved.

They raised their arm slowly, causing the gown to lift just a bit.

“BRACE YOURSELVES! THEY’RE HIVEBRANDED!” I shouted as the revelation kicked in, just as they gave a weak flinging gesture—

—which sent us all hurtling back. We toppled over one another, screaming as our bodies flew down the hallway.

// Undertake an Expedition Result

-1 harm [4/5]

Not gonna endure.

I scrambled to my feet. Hush and Tremor were up just as quickly. I wiped the blood from my mouth and took a quick scan behind me. The injures looked minor at first glance. A warning shot, then.

Or, perhaps, if we were lucky, they weren’t as under Jack’s control as he’d thought.

As Siege stood, his fists ignited and he let loose a rumble from deep within his chest. I struck out a hand to grab his wrist, despite the rising heat. “Do not kill them. They’re a prisoner, too.”

“So they can toss us around and we just have to take it?!” Jane shouted as she made her way to the front. John aimed his gun and stood beside us, the air more charged than I’d ever felt before. It felt like a viper waiting to pounce.

Tick and Ira helped the captives to their feet and moved them back behind the tech we’d seen earlier, while Watt floated around applying immediate first aid to anyone who required it. 

“Do not kill them!” I reiterated and let my lightning flare up around my fists.

“Ready?” John said. He had the confidence of Ripley but, perhaps for the first time, I saw him. Johnathan Morstan. Ripley guided his hand and influenced his movements, but Johnathan was there in full force as himself.

I nodded.

The wind suddenly blew at our backs—Hush’s doing—and John and I rushed forward. 

// Enter the fray

+2 wits, i think. 

7 vs 7, 10. Miss.

BUT! We can use some command

-1 command [5/6]

weak hit, choose one.

i think +2 mom is fitting

+2 momentum [10]

Oh, right. Uuuh... Formidable.

(I forgot that if I Enter the Fray with John, I get +2 momentum, so I should’ve chose to be in control here lol OH WELL!)

// Clash

+1 (edge) => 5 vs 3, 8. WH

I think we should burn that 10 momentum.

10 vs 3, 8. SH

progress twice [2/10]

The Hivebranded pushed us back with an imposing mental force despite Hush’s wind pushing us forward. Balls of flame from Siege and other Infernobranded soared overhead, thankfully clashing with the Hivebranded and giving us enough of a distraction. This time, I could feel John’s wind mingling with the torrent of air from Hush. With them working in tandem, they pushed me even harder against the Hivebranded’s wavering push and I was able to land two solid punches, forcing them to stumble back.

// Strike

+3 => 5 vs 6, 9. Miss.

Frack. Um... command again.

-1 command [4/6]

wh, progress twice [4/10]

bad spot

John and Hush stopped their push as the Hivebranded focused their attention on comforting their jaw. Just as I was about to resort to words, they snapped their gaze onto me and I flew back with even more force than before. John and Hush once again synced up and cushioned me as I stumbled back towards the group, leaving a large thirty foot gap between us and our assailant.

// React Under Fire

+4 (john) => 6 vs 3, 6. WH

+1 mom, but going to -1 mom as the WH cost.

“Thanks,” I said winded. Siege covered me, hands still on fire as he stared down the Hivebranded. Hush helped me to my feet. Working with them again felt good, like old times. They still had my back despite the years of distance between us.

Jane leaned in close and whispered conspiratorially, “Can you do that thing again?”

I tapped my inner lightning, and shook my head. “Not enough juice. Plus, we’re underground.” Jane sucked her teeth.

The Hivebranded slowly raised their arms and began making a crushing gesture. In sync, the walls began to shake and dust fell from the ceiling. Screams erupted from some of the captives.

They were going to cave us in. Great.

Running directly towards them would only get me pushed back again. I could probably recharge quickly using the tech behind us and blast them, but the memories of Malice turning my lightning back on me made me hesitate. Could this Hivebranded do something similar? I didn’t exactly want to find out. But I needed a way around—


I grabbed Jane’s shoulder as I shouted, “Everyone, I need a distraction! Use your Branding in the space between us!”

Siege cracked his knuckles and yelled “Finally!” before he let loose a blast of fire from his palms. Other Infernobranded joined in. Tremor stomped, sending a crack along the ground until the tile burst and a chunk of ground jutted upward. Wavebranded caused pipes around us to burst spraying water towards the Hivebranded while Cryobranded froze some of it. With the warring temperatures, a thick cloud blossomed between us and the Wavebranded warped that to surround the Hivebranded.

After letting the sight of it all amaze me for a moment, I said, “Jane, we need to go under all of this, okay?”

Without a word she gripped my arm and we began to sink into the ground. 

// React Under Fire

+2 (shadow) => 8 vs 6, 7. SH!

+1 momentum [3]

I hated—hated—the way Jane’s Branding felt. 

Fusing with the ground below was terrifying. If she had been evil the entire time, she could have easily let me go inside of the dank, dark soil. I already couldn’t breath once my head went under, and no amount of holding my breath would save me from permanently combining with whatever rock was beneath this facility.

But Jane was a natural at this, and I trusted her. As much as she wanted to make Jack pay, she was still on our side. She’d reigned in every emotion she had, and I felt bad for ever doubting her. As she pulled me along underneath the chaos of what was happening above, I came to understand the restraint she had—the restraint she’d always had. 

When we’d rescued her and she demanded to be returned, she could have killed us. She could have easily ran away whenever we landed somewhere. She never had to stay. She had restraint, something I had failed to see when we were originally traveling her what felt like ages ago. Yes, she’d been mad at Jack—and she still was, no doubt. She showed us exactly what she wanted to do with him, but she was just…talking. 

As we rose up from the ground behind the Hivebranded, I mouthed, “Thank you.” I was lucky to have her by my side. She was truly a hero, whether she wanted to believe it or not.

Unaware of our presence, I let the lightning in my fists build up as I rushed the Hivebranded from behind and laid into them.

// Strike

+5 (iron+lightning) => 7 vs 7, 9. WTF!?

-1 lighting [1/5]

This is important, I think. So, fugitive.

-1 fugitive [2/4]

Progress twice, so [6/10]

I could feel the air shift. Not in a Cyclonebranded way, though. The Hivebranded had been doing something and it ceased the moment I grabbed them from behind and slammed them into the ground.

The others ceased their distraction as I stared our stunned assailant in the eyes.

“Stand! Down!” Spittle flew from my lips. “We are here to help.”

They looked up at me, eyes burning with rage. But behind it, there was a crack in their facade. There was fear, too. Were they afraid of me, or someone—something—else?

“You don’t have to do what Jack says. You don’t have to fight us. You don’t have to stay here.”

// Gain Ground

+1 (heart) => 5 vs 1, 7. WH

progress 8/10

The fury in their eyes dwindled and they looked off to the side—the stereotypical Hivebranded look. 

“Do not let this plague deter you,” Jack said. For once, I thought I heard a hint of anger in his voice. “Stop him, now.”

I knelt down, gesturing to everyone to not interfere. There was only so much physical damage I could do to them. I stole a glance at Ira. He was smiling, and I couldn’t help but feel love and warmth blossom in my chest.

He named me Thunderfang for a reason.

“My name is Locke Holmes—or Thunderfang, or the Detective. Kinda still getting used to the last one, honestly. They use it like an insult. Definitely don’t call me Plague, though. I don’t know which side you’re on, but all I ask is that you stop. Let us help you, and you can be free from Jack or…anyone else. You can be who you want to be.”

I stole another glance at Ira, then to John, Tremor, and the others. An idea struck.

Perhaps they needed the same respect that we did.

“What’s your name?”

// Take Decisive Action

8 vs... 2, 4! YAY!

+1 momentum [4]

Progress on stop Jack


The Hivebranded stared at me, as if looking through my soul for verification. And then a glimmer of hope washed over them. “My name is…Elle.”

A door slammed open ahead, startling everyone. I was quickly drawn back to Elle when they tapped me. Tears were in their eyes but they wiped them away. “You…you really are him. You can really win.”

Elle wrapped their arms around me, and, not knowing what else to do, I returned the gesture.

“We’re rooting for you…Go, now.” They pointed at the door. Their eyes contained so many emotions. Fear, hope, worry, pride. I trusted them. This fight was over.

“Everyone, through that door, now!” I yelled out. Jane and John helped guide the captives through it efficiently as I stood up, helping the Hive—Elle to their feet. “Come with us.”

They shook their head, hands knotting in front of their chest. “I…I can’t. I can’t be there for…I can’t.”

“Do you know what’s going to happen?”

Elle wiped away a tear, and said in a low voice, “The end.”

Dread flooded me. I immediately looked for Ira but Elle grabbed my arm, forcing my gaze onto them once more.

“Your power is in your name.”

What? I stared at Elle, confused and scared. What the hell did that even mean?

“Locke, let’s go!” Siege yelled out, breaking me from my contemplation. I looked at him for two seconds. When I returned my sights to Elle, they were heading the opposite way.

I moved towards the open door but stopped before I’d gotten close. I looked back towards Elle, and said loud enough for them to hear, “Thank you.”

I wasn’t sure what I was thanking them for yet. Hopefully what they said would make sense eventually.

Next week on ⚡️THUNDERFANG:

The only path forward requires a leap of faith. Luckily, Locke is very convincing.

A little too convincing, actually.